What is our mission?

The VFW Department of Nevada Foundation supports the VFW Department of Nevada and all veterans to assist with completing and filing benefit claims with skilled resources.  We provide free professional help with filing or appealing VA claims, provide advice on what benefits or programs are available.  

The VFW Department of Nevada statewide gave over 29,000 hours of Community Service back to veterans and the communities that have VFW Posts.  

Our Post Service Officers provide this service as unpaid volunteers.  The Nevada State Service Officers are fully certified with the Veterans Administration.  

The directors of the Foundation are unpaid volunteers allowing all donations to be used for programs such as training our cadre of volunteers and increasing our presence at the VA medical centers.  Very little is used for overhead expenses such as office supplies and postage.

VFW Programs that the Foundation Supports

The VFW supports and recognizes not just our veterans but we also recognize our community.  The VFW needs your support to continue supporting Nevada's Veterans.

  • Our cadre of unpaid Post Service Officers
  • Our VA certified Services Officers
  • Our Programs that help Veterans and the Community
  • Youth Programs that teaches Americanism and Veteran History - Voice of Democracy and Patriot Pen essays
  • Public Safety Awards (many are veterans)